Boundary terms, branes and AdS/BCFT in first-order gravity

Thrilled to share that the first article by our HINT project’s authors has wrapped up, generalizing the AdS/BCFT correspondence to spacetime with torsion. 📚🔍 (arXiV: 2401.16306)

In the realm of holographic duality (AdS/CFT, note the missing B!), a bridge is forged between two theories: the (quantum) gravity theory residing in a space of dimensions D+1, and the quantum field theory residing on the boundary of this space, thus having dimension D.

But here’s where it gets intriguing. Picture a sphere—the boundary of a ball. Yet, a sphere itself lacks a boundary. Generally, the boundary of a boundary doesn’t exist (it’s empty). Hence, to describe systems with boundaries through holography, the original AdS/CFT correspondence must become the AdS/BCFT correspondence. On a technical level, this extension involves introducing a brane whose position is dynamically determined.

This breakthrough marks an important step towards achieving goals within our first work package. Our aim is to develop our understanding of holography in cases where torsion is not zero. Through a deeper grasp of the AdS/BCFT correspondence and torsion, we plan to dissect the information loss paradox of black holes.