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21 May 24
7:43 pm
Topological quantum field theory
In this two-hour mini-course, we will present the motivation for studying Topological quantum field theory (TQFT), give a formulation of TQFT, and work out a two-dimensional...
13 May 24
5:51 pm
Our first paper, “Boundary terms, branes, and AdS/BCFT duality in first-order gravity,” has been published in Physical Review D. This is a significant step forward for our research, and we...
13 May 24
5:44 pm
Join us from 22nd to 26th July 2024 at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade for an immersive workshop exploring the cutting-edge fields of holography, noncommutative gravity, and quantum information...
15 February 24
1:20 pm
Update from the HINT project: Dušan Đorđević shared insights on ‘Holography and Riemann-Cartan Spacetime’ at the TPI School on QFT and Holography in Jena, Germany. His talk shed light on our...
13 February 24
1:17 pm
Productive days for our HINT team at the TPI School on QFT and Holography in Jena, Germany!
Engaging discussions, insightful sessions, and exciting collaborations are fueling our research...
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